“I wish my school were like that.” I clicked through a slidedeck about a literacy improvement plan and I felt a pang of envy. “I wish my work was so straightforward and my school’s progress so steady.” But these were my slides. The students, teachers, moments captured in photographs, and ideas represented in bullet points–they were all from my school. So why, while looking at evidence of my school’s improvement,

Doubt Crept In: Questioning My Faith in Reading Research
August 7, 2024
Uh oh I thought that the more I knew about the science of reading, the better my teaching would become. And I’ve staked so much of my identity on this belief that my newfound doubt has shaken me terribly. At a recent conference for reading researchers, I realized: “There is a whole world of reading science that is not meant for me.” Panicked, I said to a researcher-friend: “Please tell